Open issues and follow up of actions

Topic Action Date Status
What is the vacuum stability in wide aperture magnets? Are beam screens needed; if yes, are there new design ideas?
V. Baglin,     N. Kos 05.09.2007 LIUWG#2: Beam-screens are needed. LIUWG#14: preliminary design
What are the necessary modifications of D1 dipoles? Is an SC version of D1 more effective than NC magnets?
S. Fartoukh, M. Karppinen, D. Tommasini 05.09.2007 LIUWG#2: D1 has to be changed  Warm or cold still to be decided. LIUWG#6: warm option. LIUWG#10: cold and warm option.
Should the layout be based on two (or more) types of quadrupoles (aperture)? Is modularity (length) advantageous or not?   05.09.2007  
How can the heat transfer between the coil and the QRL be improved? What is the preferred design of the coil and magnet structure, and of the heat exchanger? D. Tommasini, L. Tavian 05.09.2007 Discussed at the LIUWG#5. Work on-going.
What are the constraints of the cryostat design? What are the “place holders” for the interconnects, for the orbit and other correctors? V. Parma 05.09.2007 Presented at the LIUWG#3
How does the powering and protection infrastructure come into play? K.H Mess and F. Bordry 05.09.2007 Discussed at the LIUWG#7
How can the beam related heat load be minimized in the cold elements? F. Cerutti, E. Wildner 05.09.2007 LIUWG#8 and LIUWG#13: Tungsten liner proposed in Q1.
How to put to best use the “aperture margin”?   05.09.2007